Monday, October 19, 2009

Written In The Great Crime Noir Style of the 40's-An Excellent Read!

Author: Joe Wesley Rowland
Publisher: Outskirts Press

Written in that marvelous style of the 1940's crime drama noir, Timidity can stand on it's own with novels by the likes of Raymond Chandler, Doris Miles Disney, James McCain and Horace McCoy. Joe Wesley Rowland has allowed us to take a step back in time and enjoy a real "old style noir" murder.

Taking place in the late spring of 1945, a hardworking woman, Annette Mosconi, husband missing in action in the war and a son readying for college; is thrown into jail, falsely accused of murdering her boss, a small town attorney involved in a case that could blow the lid off a scandal involving the wealthiest family in town. A corrupt sheriff and a deputy with more testosterone than brains conspire with the wealthy family matriarch to be sure that some secrets stay undercover.

Annette can only count on her son, Rick to help her. But Rick has problems of his own. Suffering from what he calls the "heebie-jeebies" (now known to be social anxiety disorder), Rick has inner demons to fight and conquer to assist his mother in escaping her harrowing ordeal and clearing her name.

I thoroughly enjoyed this well written and suspenseful novel. On a personal note, I also have social anxiety disorder, so I was able to understand what Rick was dealing with on a more intimate level. Filled with suspense, well drawn characters and a well put together story line and plot, any fan of courtroom drama, murder mystery, crime drama noir, or just a good read can enjoy this story.

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