Sunday, January 24, 2010

Awakening the Eagle: A Guide to the Medicine Wheel

Awakening the Eagle: A Guide to the Medicine Wheel
Author: Ralph P. Brown (Tawennihake)
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing

I've always had a great personal interest in alternative thinking, especially in the areas of religion, spiritual belief and personal guidance. I thought I had a fairly good understanding of the various tribal lore of American Indian Tribes, but I always did want to learn more. For any reader interested in tribal lore, spiritual life, wisdom and guidance; Ralph P. Brown has written a fascinating and indepth study of the Medicine Wheel in his wonderous work, "Awakening The Eagle: A Guide to the Medicine Wheel".

Ralph P. Brown is a Mohawk tribal member and spiritual advisor. His Mohawk name is Tawennihake. In this unique book, Tawennihake leads us on a spiritual journey along with a young Mohawk boy named Okwaho; and the elderly tribal sage, Lightening Eyes. Through the indian lore and fables Lightening Eyes shares with young Okwaho, we learn about the Medicine Wheel, the vibrant entity representing and reflecting the existence of everything within our universe. Through Lightening Eyes' use of parables, fable and indian lore, we learn more of the Native American culture and tradition, and begin to understand the powers of the Medicine Wheel. By viewing the medicine wheel as it relates to our lives and spiritual needs today, the medicine wheel will bring us to an understanding and recognition of our human potential and see how we relate to our world, whether in the abstract or the literal, the positive or the negative.

The Mohawk use of the medicine wheel illustrates our universe; and ultimately ourselves as humans and earth inhabitants. Through understanding and interpretation of the medicine wheel, we can learn insight into ourselves and patience with those around us.

I highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in indian lore and beliefs, anyone who is a student of theology or metaphysics; or any reader with a yearning to learn more about the potential of the universe and their personal life and spiritual health. It is an easy to understand and truly enjoyable read. In fact, I have read it twice already, and know I will continue to learn from each reading. I look forward to the opportunity to learn more from Tawennihake, he is truly a gifted and caring writer.

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